Friday, October 26, 2012

Life Inside the Mat

I read this quote posted in one of my fave blog which says..."Yoga is the best opportunity to be curious to be who you are". It struck my senses in a way because I never realize that I got curious (?) about things the first, second or third time I practiced yoga. In fact, I am just an avid body balance practitioner. I do combination of Yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi. The body balance moves are hip because of its music and almost always I fall off my mat which gave me the chance or should I say an excuse to pause for awhile. Going back to yoga practice, I think it takes time to realize how yoga transformed myself inside the mat. Realization about the benefits of yoga did not happen overnight. I believe that changes do not come with realization at the same time. Because there is a process which little by little happened in my life and I unknowingly embraced the changes through  deep realization. Things happened inside the mat because we allowed ourselves to explore our body and make our mind still for awhile. Embracing the weaknesses of our body during yoga practice and more accepting of what we can only do at the moment is something that I learned just recently. Just like in life, perfection does not come the first nor the second time but through constant practice, patience and being at the present moment.